Otava is a responsible Finnish company that contributes to maintaining the vitality of the book business in Finland. When all the operations of the book industry – from publishers to retailers – are located in Finland, tax revenues and jobs remain in the country.

Otava is a 100% Finnish company

We want to leave the world in good shape for the next generations.All of Otava’s book business operations are in the hands of the company, from publishing to sales, and all of the related work is carried out in Finland.

Thanks to this, most of the added value remains in Finland, as compared to products printed in China, the Baltic countries or continental Europe. This includes printing costs, logistics and employment effects.  

We have truly harnessed the benefits of local Finnish production and sought operating methods that enable us to meet the demand for books both smarter and faster.

Otava is the 60th largest taxpayer in Finland, even though we rank 200th in terms of size.

Otava has the only Finland-wide bookstore chain – from Helsinki to Rovaniemi.

The success of the entire book industry in Finland is important to Otava.

In addition to Otava, there is a need for other publishers and bookstores in the industry.

Waste recycling is routine, and production waste is sorted where it is generated. 97 per cent of production by-products are reused, of which about five per cent are used in waste-to-energy production. Less than one per cent of all waste ends up in landfill.

Otava saves resources and nature

Digital printing technology enables the company to produce smaller print runs than with traditional offset printing technology.

This cuts down on waste. We can reduce our inventory risk because we do not have to take a chance on publishing large print runs for cost reasons – instead, we rapidly print copies to meet demand while keeping costs in line. At the same time, this reduces the environmental impacts of product disposal.

When the printing press and logistics partner operate on the same premises, the products can go straight into the distribution channels without the need for intermediate storage facilities – this reduces transport and its emissions. 

The amount of book packaging material has decreased in relation to volume.